If you were born as a Muslim, one of her earliest memories must be a sentence that begins with "in the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. I remember that you have learned this literally in the lap of his mother. You've heard from your father, and he said that this was the beginning of the first chapter of his sacred book - the Noble Qur'an Al was an encouraging prayer, and she is left with today, which helps in the important moments of your life:. "In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful! "praise to Allah, Lord of the universe, the compassionate, the merciful. Mr Justice day.
To thee we adore you and ask you help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those you've favored those, which are not covered by your anger and not astray. Amen (principle 1: 1-7) this prayer is with you at this time, such as the call to prayer is whispering them to ear after his birth, much before that you can remember what is: Allaah is the largest wing is Grande Allah is the most great Allaah is the more Grande I'm witness that there is no other God than Allah I bear witness that there is no other God that Alá I... I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Come to prayer come to prayer come to happiness, come to happiness!! Allah is great Allah is the largest there is no other God than Allah! This call can be heard many times without counting, five times a day, if you live to get to the voice of a mosque in the place of worship, where his parents took him, he has seen the magnet-. Islamic or head, raise the hands and voice, to say: "." In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful"- then, you went with your lips and your heart always when magnet was not present, or when was at the wheel of. Muslims missing from this boss, the wisest among them, or perhaps the oldest among you, which leads to the prayer. In Islam it is democratic, and trains its leaders within their own community members. There is no clergy in Islam.
It is a Godly faith that encourages the men of talent. These childhood memories will be in contact with the rest of the world, a world of transcendental reality. they have taught me other things that everyone should know and respect. Many times when I was a child, to reflect on the mother or fathers words and connect with something higher and more mysterious, with elevated things that used to feel, but I couldn't understand completely: the domes of distant heaven hit a mosque of tiles of the beauty of nature, the joy of living and loving to his parents, his family and friends. But, above all, his thoughts and feelings returned to the place of worship, the mosque, and brought to mind the name always volviente and attributes of God.
Something in common devotion was different from anything else in our land. The people were different when he came to pray in community. His parents were different. Each time that they came to the place of prayer, it was quiet and respectful, since it had prepared for the honest thoughts and clean once physically, spiritually. And it was understandable, since our places of worship are wonderfully beautiful with its domes and minarets of gold rising, and with fresh vaults and galleries where man is able to pray and meditate. Even the soft carpets make you feel at home, to sit in them. In cities where dominated by Muslims, such as Casablanca, Algiers, Damascus, Cairo, Istanbul, Isfahan, Lahore, Jakarta, mosques defy all description. You may have heard that God is inside them in a very particular way, as he is a very special way to Mecca, in the sacred precinct of the Kaaba. It was God who created heaven and Earth and their mosques are home, where the man can find. And for that reason they have to be beautiful and comforting.
When they were still very young, learning to love the mosque, and, also, he returned a reverence when he approached them. taught to remove your shoes and leave them on the portal, or carry in your hand to leave in the hallway to his side, and soon you and your co-workers were the devout kneel touching the ground with his forehead in humility before of God. Therefore, the ground in front of you must be clean everytime you want to pray. Nobody is going to happen just pray or near a mosque, be less than scrupulously clean. In this state it is easier to relate to God while you get ready for it, and once prepared to pray, do not want to change this status by a dirty or dishonest to do:-"man stops praying indecency of sexual misconduct and of all evils", says the Qur'an. (29: 45 Spider) Therefore, if they were not about to move closer to the mosque, and then go to the source, beyond the entrance, and prepare for the prayer. Just now entering the great Hall and began to pray with reverence, against the prayer niche that indicates the direction in which the sacred Center of Mecca, which all Muslims face to pray. You said that those statements that they correspond, or if it was on Friday and noon, that we expect the magnet and it climbed to the pulpit (al - Minbar) where he was reading (to the-khutbah).
When the service was over, gave the hand to friends and acquaintances, and everyone followed his path with a comforting feeling in the heart. Allah considers "men who neither business nor labor distracted to remember Allah, pray and pay the rate of social assistance. (Light 24: 37) In the holy month of Ramadan, when everyone fasts during the day, from sunrise to sunset, usually finds that you break so many people used in respiration negotiators of peace of the mosque. The mosques are filled during the month of Ramadan, traders, artisans, students, public, knees or inclined officials in corridors or carpets. Your thoughts that accompany your eyes when you followed the arabesques of the walls, the lines that represent the verses of the Holy Quran. You believe that God through them, they were identical words that their parents had taught them, the sacred book, and now you need. Islam was the form that has been marked as a child.
But reaching youth, found that Islam was not only a religion, but that was a comprehensive way of life (Din), and he helped him to face life with all its realities. The bravest of his friends were those who also came to the mosque Friday, not to meet with God. To find a source of strength in their five daily prayers and other practices that is now more meaningful for you. And each time given its inability to offer the prayer in a. timely, felt embarrassed and tried to offer compliance as soon as possible. Do and when he lived away from the mosque and who could do their daily prayers, prayed in your home or place of work, or in any other appropriate and clean technology. Always was attentive when he faces Mecca in these prayers, - this invisible city in distant Arabia, and hope that someday, having health and media, who would carry out the pilgrimage. Turn on when I heard the story of a pilgrim who had been meeting to visit the Holy City, and this story has always the same Muslims, from the four corners of the world who gathered there. If you have traveled the world to cause business or travel, you've seen how changed the direction of the niche of prayer in the mosques has visited. In the India and Pakistan, for example, faced West, in the North of Africa and the Americas to the East.
In Syria and Turkey, to the South, while the faithful are targeted in the Yemen and East Africa northwards to pray. This brings together men in their thoughts and actions, - five times a day. When it came time to marry, felt the need to assume greater responsibilities. Just as in other solemn moments of his life, consult with members of his family, telling them that he wanted to have a companion. If his family and yours in the family practitioners were Muslims, not only to the Muslims of login, then his wife also was such, and thus educate their children according to your mother taught you to live with the fear of God; prudent manners. The couple brought home the human desire for collaboration and camaraderie, and the duty that rests with each to comply with their obligations towards his wife, their children and their community. Marriage is a contract, which must meet, both before God and the world and within yourself.
Non-Muslims sometimes tend to laugh and comment on the Islamic marriage - and that is because they don't understand what is. They think Muslims seek directly to four wives, and his first question to a Muslim will play this point, and every discussion of this matter - as if our mind would require more than yours. Hidden polygamy practiced in the form of having loved going to brothels, and you can be a Western standard, but it is totally alien to Islam. The Islarn does not subscribe to any kind of conflict with the law of relationships, such as single mothers and single parents. They are ways to avoid the responsibilities of life. Muslims consider marriage as sacred and serious, and always recognizes all their children and seek to fulfil their responsibilities towards them, so have, their education, their moral guidance and initiation into life. These Muslims honor the ceremony of marriage, since it is the very foundation of their society. Similarly, foreigners seem to be very interested in the Islamic paradise, and know from now on, contribute to women who have been found there, while Muslims look to heaven for being a shady place crossed by streams and in the men and women of good must be until the end of time. 0 quiet soul, thy master, satisfied, pleased! Connect with my servants, enters into my paradise! (Aurora 89: 27-30) It is there that we hope to reach, when it ends the life on this earth, and each will receive their just reward. Allah is Compadeciente, as it should be, he does not require the impossible: "God only requires a soul that can withstand." (The cow 2: 286) The one that comes with a good deed will have ten times their value. That comes with an evil deed will be rewarded only in value, and they will not be treated unfairly.
(Cattle 6: 161) We take care of ourselves, because we don't believe in strict predestination, they sincerely want to carry some non-Muslim authors, the Prophet himself once said to a man who had an exaggerated idea of the protection of Allah "ata your camel, and then trust in God." Also teaches us to be good with our enemies: "do not return evil with something better-(23: 96 the believers) teaches us also to participate in Jihad Jihad literally means struggle in the way of Allah East effort can be moral,!.." mental or physical, and should serve to make the word of the Kingdom of God. covers a wide spectrum of activities ranging from the fight against the attitudes themselves ugly to enroll in the war for the sake of Allaah. Allah reminds us in his book. "" You should believe in Allah and his Prophet and fight on his way with his property and people, it will be better for you, if the only thing that get understand. "" (the line of battle 61: 11). We are taught, moreover, tolerance, our book says: "you do not insultéis those who are apart from God, pray, can injure Dios, without realizing (won 6: 109) our book, the Koran teaches us these truths." It is a document that Allaah revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, when he was defeated by the immorality of his people. Throughout the book he did so by the adoration of its many photos and teaches them to focus on their faith in one God, in God, "my Lord has led me to a straight path to an established path, the path of Abraham, the law, he was an associate of other gods with Allah". (Cattle 6: 162) This book is packed with inspirational episodes, and includes true on a large scale, can follow the spiritual and political struggle of Muhammad in his dark moments and days of victory and joy. Increases our faith in the important moments of our lives and help us support our sorrows, when we pray:. "In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful I seek refuge in the Lord of men, King of men, the damage that whispers gossip poaching in the hearts of men before the geniuses already men."(Men 1,144-6) Life is hard at times, but it can be very nice. Difficulties and evil, because we consider them as part of the inescapable conditions of our existence, must not become something unbearable life, or remove the meaning of virtue, and let happiness out of their reach.
Men and women can achieve a fact very well, from adversity - as Travelers arriving from the cold of the night at an Inn, the warm and luminous sailors, or as it saves a tremendous amount of time, find a moment of tranquility. We are lucky to simply be alive and free of the anguish, and makes us want to laugh and act in our good manners. Everywhere feels the presence of God, expressed in the generic concept that guides us throughout our lives: "the, Allah-no there is no God but he, the living, the Subsistente. Neither drowsiness nor sleep seize him, for he belongs as there are in the heavens and the Earth. To intercede with the but with your permission? Know what is before and behind the men, and these range from its science only what he wants, his throne extends over the heavens and the Earth, and does not cause fatigue both conservation. He is the Almighty, the all-powerful ''(La carne de vaca 2:255) other main episodes great Majesty:. "If all the trees that are in the Earth were pens, and the sea, in addition to the seven seas, were ink, writing has been exhausted, but the words of God is not exhausted.
Allah is mighty, wise. "(Luqman 31: 27) Well, we have the strength of our din is commonly designated by the "religion." Religion does not translate the full meaning of what means DIN It is an attitude and a way of seeing and guide to the various aspects of life. Islam brings salam, or 'peace' in our lives. A Muslim is literally someone who made his peace with God. Islam permeates us a soul deeply spiritual. By this I mean to learn to find the unknown universe, with reverence and humanity, tolerance, and we accept our destiny with gratitude and fortitude. We believe in the oneness of God, that governs the Affairs of the universe. In another prayer to Allah. He is described in the following way: in the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful: Di:. Wing is the unique Dios-Power all that begat not nor was he begotten, and has no one alike "(112: 14 oneness) and ours!. faith has built a magnificent culture, when most of the world, West, especially, go by what is said of the middle ages. In those days, Islam was the unifying force of the civilization that stretched from the borders of China to the Pirineos.Estamos proud of our faith and culture, and appreciate. Our future us not scared, because we have fallen down and reinstalled have.Now, if God permits it, once more be a moral force in the world. We are very grateful to the Muslims, because God is bigger than us, and through the initiative of the world. Everything that comes to mind when someone asks, do you feel, being born as a Muslim.
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