From sister Bee Bee
"The quest for the hidden treausures of one´s soul"
Through out life, many of us wander what is the purpose of our existence, where do we come from, and where are we heading.There are many roads we can choose,as well as many religions, ideologies, philosophies and spiritual doctrines. The whole world, all along its vast geography and cultures, offers thousands of possiblities, from which one can choose the most appealing according to one´s beliefs. God´s has giving us free will to test our capacity to make the right decissions.
In the search for the right path, one must follow it´s inner guidance and the signs of the road. When one is traveling towards a destiny, one sees on the highway the signs that announce the distance to the place you want to reach, the same happens in the mystic´s journey. The universe is talking to us all the time. In every place and at every moment, we can find traces of God and it´s infinite wisdom, which leads us to that place where God needs our presence. We just have to keep our eyes wide open, not only our physical eyes, but those of the soul, in order to understand the hidden language of the universe and it´s constant messages. The universe is full of magical things waiting for our witts to grow sharper. Where are we going from here?
I´ve been travelling through this road of life, searching for my truth, through countless days, hours and seconds. I have stopped in many stations, met thousands of station companions, which indeed have been crucial in the fullfillment of my task. I believe all that I´ve been through, both good and bad has leaden to where I am know, and has provided me with the necessary knowledege to see things as clear as I see them now. Sometimes, I wish I could go back and erase all that I have written in the book of my destiny and start all over again, since many of the decisions of my past where not the best. However, if it wasnt for them, I probably wouldnt be here writing this paper.
Do all the roads lead to Rome? I used to believe all roads would finally take us to the same place, only that the way to reach it, would be a different one. However, after searching inside myself for my own truth, I´ve realized that even though all roads must take us somewhere, only one leads us towars eternal life, towards that place where we will merge eternally with our Creator and contemplate his glory. Which road will lead us there?
Anas ibn Malik said that
Allah's Apostle sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said, "I entered Paradise and
found myself by a river, by its edges were tents of pearls. Then I tapped with
my hands where the water was running, and there was then a beautiful smell of
Musk. I asked, 'What is this O Gabriel?' He said, 'This is Kawthar (river in
Paradise) which Allah has given to you.'" (Sahih al-Jami),
consulted on line December 18,2012
Once upon a
time, there was a seeker, who began searching for it´s own truth. That seeker
was me. I was born in a roman catholic familiy, however, religion was not very
important in my childhood. It didnt go further than the usual sunday masses or
the night prayer to one´s guardian angel or to Virgin Mary.
As time went by,
my interest in spiritual matters increased and I started introducing myself in
one of the most passionate quest´s of one´s life. The search for the oneness
within your self, the quest for the absolute fussion with the divine self.
"The goal is to attain purification of the heart and soul and
to develop a true, deep, and lasting connection with Allah"
., consulted on
line, December 17,2012
This is the goal
of any mystic, of any religion or culture, this is the goal of those who
experience the thirst in the souls than can only be quenched by divine love.
So, as someone infinitely thirsty of wisdom and knowledge I began searching for my own truth. I investigated the religion in which I was raised up, Roman Catholic Church, it´s spiritual practices and believes...Many things seemed weak to me, starting with the fact that I had to confess my sins in front of another sinner or a priest, this never made sense to me. The law that stablished that neither priests or nuns were allowed to marry, also seemed to me as something unfair, and as an issue that kept this religion or branch of christianity from evolving. Another of the points of catholicism that generated doubts to me was; why in the moment when we had to shake hands with each other,the moment of peace during the holly mass, people seemed shy and distant? Arent we supossed to be a big family, arent we one in the mystical body of our lord Jesus Christ? Many things did not seem right to me, but, it was the religion of my parents, so I kept belonging to it
However, I found many other things I liked too. The holy comunion for example, since it reresented the union of my own self with God´s divine spirit, which was mostly what I wished to pursue. The crucifiction of Lord Jesus, which represented the death of all our worldy passions ande desires in order for our spiritual nature to arise, among other things, which I consider valuable of christianity. In the bible I discovered thousands of treasures of divine wisdom, as well as a guide to freedom of the worldly chains to which many of us are submitted, many times, with out knowing it. But, was Jesus really crucified? Or was his crucifiction just a metaphor to ilustrate that we all need to die in flesh in order to re-born spiritually? The bible wasnt enough for me to find the truth. I wanted more, I needed to discover this magical path that would lead me directly to the source, to the divine fountain.
So I began to investigate the celts. I felt quite attracted to druids, and witches, sorceress, elfs, and all the magical beings of this era. As I submerged in the world of the ancient celts, I discovered many things that seemed right for me and agreed with my inner truth. Their respect for nature, their attunement with the cicles of the earth, the wisdom hidden in water, in trees, in every drop of God´s creation, the mysticism of the morning dew..But still, something did not seem right, how come they had different God´s and Goddeses for everything? One God for war, one god for the wind, another for the winter, a Goddess for fertility...No, this doesn´t seem right..
So my search had to be continued, in other places, other times. Hinduism, Zoroastrism, Confucianism...Let´s start by hinduism. I love meditation, just sitting still for a while, silently, searching inside myself for a second of peace can change the whole world. So hinduism, would be a good option, my next station. But as soon as I introduced myself in this new universe I crossed my self with a concept that didn´t make sense to me, reincarnation! Reincarnation? Have I been born before? According to hinduism, reincarnation explains the cause by which some are born into better health or economical conditions than others, it is a reflect of divine justice. If you are rich in this life and have a healthy and harmonic body, it might be due to the cause that in a past life you were a very nice and generous person. Therefore, the divine providence is rewarding you for it in this life, giving you nice and comfortable conditions in your present life. The same thing may happen with those who are not born in good health or economical conditions, it´s the effect of that which they harvested in their past lifes. According to me, everyone has what he deserves according to God´s infinite wisdom and that is something we simply dont question, Allah knows best.
Reincarnation also explains why we simpatize with people to whom which only seen for a few seconds, we have met them again and again in our past-lifes, and they have been our siblings, lovers, parents, friends etc. The same happens with those who we dislike instantly, it´s a re-encounter, in past lifes they were our enemies. According to hinduism, reincarnation is the explanation for many things that we experience in our present lifes, all being the effect of our past actions throughout our human existence, our journey through this phyiscal reality, through the third dimension. We are all conditioned to it, until we can scape the wild turning of the samsara wheel. Releasing free from the wild whirls of the samsara wheel can only be attained once we´ve broken free from our ego like Buddha did, this way fussionating with the divine and ascending to heaven in body and spirit...not easy right?
In hinduism I found valuable spiritual practices such as meditations, fasting and the chanting of mantras. When done the right way, the chanting of mantras lead to the asencion of our concsiusness to higher frequencies where the angelic knowledege and the secret of the cosmos remain waiting for us to discover them. But once again, I had the same problem that I found in the celtic religion, the thousands of gods...Lord Kama, Lord Vish, Shiva... Why not just focusing in One God, the one and only creator?
I dont deny that
all this doctrines or paths have in them hidden of pearls of knowledge that reveal the nature of
the Almighty Creator, it´s mercy, perfection, inmensity,vastness, royalty,
among many other attributes that describe our Lord. However, in my point of
view,they dont provide a direct road to that sacred place where we can meet
with the divine fountain and catch the glimpses of the divine grace. Is as if
one is travelling towards one´s eternal destiny, and in order to reach it, one
must take many roads...Why not just taking one direct road towards eternity?
Finally one day, a jewel
from heaven fell into my hands. The holy Quoran. Many things started making
sense then. Only one God, just lifting our praises to our one and only creator.
The guardian of both celestial and earthly tresuares, the owner of time and
eternity, of space and infinity, the All mighty, All poweful, All knowing Lord
of heavens and everthing created beneath them. Through our prophet Mohammed,
peace be upon him, the Creator revealed to hummanity the right path to reach
him and to be shaded by his mercy, as well as the correct way to adore him and
place ourselves in his presence.
Prayers in
islam, or salat, are a very powerful spiritual practice, which results
absolutely healing not only physically, but spiritually, and emotionally too.
Done the right way and with conviction, the form of prayer in islam is a master
key to open the doors of heaven and recieve the blessings and the wisdoms of
our all mighty creator.
The Messenger of God
Muhammad (may peace be upon him) said:
"If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?" The people said, "No filth would remain on him whatsoever." The Prophet (peace be upon him) then said, "That is like the five daily prayers: Allah (God) wipes away the sins by them."
"If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?" The people said, "No filth would remain on him whatsoever." The Prophet (peace be upon him) then said, "That is like the five daily prayers: Allah (God) wipes away the sins by them."
The above Hadith
was recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim
All religions or
spiritual doctrines offer a variety of spiritual practices which increase our
spirituality and level of consciousness. Praying, when done with faith is a
miracolous medicine. Praying is an interchange of love with the All Mighty.
Every holy book, the Bahavdaghita, the Upanishads, the Bible, and others, have within them hidden tools for us to connect with our creator and battle the enemy of the soul, Sahytan. When applying such techniques, one has in it´s hands the possibility to live a fortunate earthly life as well as well as tu pursue an eternal existance next to our Lord and its angels in the future life. God has revealed itself and it´s nature to humanity through different prophets, masters, and spiritual guides through out history. All it´s revelations have been done according to the time and geographical ubication of the chosen group, depending on their level of concioussness and capacity to understand the message.
Every religion has a divine plan, with a mission to fullfill which will extinguish when it has been determined in the files of the cosmos. However, Prophet Mohammed´s (peace be upon him) revelation was the seal of many eras of the revelations of our Lord as well as a guidance for all humanity, not just for a particular group of people. Mohammed´s (peace be upon him) teachings are the same teachings of the prophets that came before him.Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), is the spirit of all the prophets,is all the prophets merged into one. There is no distinction between any of the prophets, since all have been sent by the center of supreme energy, Allah, Jah, in order to remind humanity of it´s unity, mercy, goodness and love, as well as to guide our hearts to the Eternal, through the obedience to his teachings.
The Messenger of God (may
peace be upon him) said:
"I am the closest of all people to Jesus, son of Mary, in this world and the Hereafter; for all prophets are brothers, with different mothers but one religion"
"I am the closest of all people to Jesus, son of Mary, in this world and the Hereafter; for all prophets are brothers, with different mothers but one religion"
Taken from the book "The Wisdom of the Prophet", a selection from
the Hadith translated by Thomas Cleary
Islam is a
non-stop trip and direct road to the eternal fountain of divine wisdom, mercy
and love! When practiced with the heart, islam, is the master key that opens
the doors to all the riches of the spiritual worlds, of the hidden treasures
within our souls. Inside each of us, in our souls, there´s a chest that keeps
within the most precious jewels of ancient knowledge. Follow the path of islam
sincerely and this chest shall be open for you and all this riches, the same
ones that our Master Jesus mentions in the gospels, shall be yours in this life
and in the ever after.
"As we sat one day with
the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), a man in pure
white clothing and jet black hair came to us, without a trace of travelling
upon him, though none of us knew him.
He sat down before the
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) bracing his knees against his,
resting his hands on his legs, and said: "Muhammad, tell me about
Islam." The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:
"Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allah, and to perform the prayer, give zakat, fast in Ramadan,
and perform the pilgrimage to the House if you can find a way."
He said: "You have
spoken the truth," and we were surprised that he should ask and then
confirm the answer. Then he said:
"Tell me about true
faith (iman)," and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)
answered: "It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His inspired Books, His messengers,
the Last Day, and in destiny, its good and evil."
"You have spoken the
truth," he said, "Now tell me about the perfection of faith
(ihsan)," and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) answered:
"It is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you see Him not, He
nevertheless sees you."
The hadith continues to
where ‘Umar said:
Then the visitor left. I
waited a long while, and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said
to me, "Do you know, ‘Umar, who was the questioner?" and I replied,
"Allah and His messenger know best." He said,
"It was
Gabriel, who came to you to teach you your religion" (Sahih Muslim,
1.37: hadith 8).
Islam is the
final revelation of God for humanity, is a gift of divine mercy!
At the beggining
of this paper, I was wandering weather it was possible to go back in time and
erase many things I have written in the book of my life and start all over
again, like a new-born child dressed in garments of pureness and inocence. When
one converts to islam, one recieves a marvelous gift from the divine
providence. A new and clean book of life, the possibility to start writing the
story of our life once again. Praised be Allah lord of the Worlds.
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